Some Project Catch-Ups

Back in action after a week off for my birthday. This year, as a treat to myself, I took a hiatus from work and most computer-related things to reset some priorities and dig in to some personal projects. I finished a few projects that had been languishing, “nearly” finished a few others, and started prepping for some brand new work. Also FINALLY bought my new MacBook. It’s so nice to have a machine do my bidding without the 10 minute pinwheel of doom each time I click …

Mini portrait sketchbook (SB8) - nearly there with 4 pages left!

All in all it was the best way to kick off this year’s #43initiatives project. Determined to stay focused and productive through to 44!

What's in an Expression?

Somehow, I never make time to post. That’s life I guess. But after pondering how to jumpstart some creativity over the last few weeks, I've picked up my sketchbook to explore facial expressions. With all the Zoom meetings and classes, I see a lot of different faces on a daily basis. So why not?

I'm using short gesture drawing sessions as warm up. In today’s haul:

And at the end of today's session, picked up a sketch from last week to play around with a possible "next step" in pastels. Not sure this will lead anywhere, but it's been fun to play around with.

Possible next steps for the sketches … pastel portraits? We'll see!